From Lyngseidet to Øksfjord
Getting nearer to the target
Dave and me camp near Lyngseidet where we want
to take a ferry to shorten the distance. We part and I reach one of the
first ferries. The crossing costs 13 Kronen and does not last long. It
is a day of best weather. For many a kilometer I follow the coast line.
In summertime and on a day like that it is a marvellous part of our blue
planet. The Gulf Stream gave birth to a region unchallenged in colors. The
white of the glaciers, grey of the mountains, green of the meadows and
blue of the skies makes it a paradies.
All along the way there are trestles to dry the
cod. Nets shelter the most valuable food from seagulls and other birds.
And I take many photographs to document this lovely spot. But the colors
do not tell the story of the real life up here. They cover the fact that
there is but dusk and dawn up here in wintertime. And even the cyclist
does a good job because of the steep hills that have to be crossed. To
have a look down the fjords at
the Kvænangsfjellet
means 400m straight uphill. It is midnight and I have lost the feeling
for time. Clouds at noon on a typical german winter's day will leave less
light than now.
I wash myself in the toilets of the Gildetun-Motel,
situated at this most interesting spot. I don't spend the night up here
but drive further on til I get tired. the next morning I happen to meet
the tents of laplander, trying to sell the rest of probably butchered
reindeers. And I come across an englishman at an age of
about 70, who carries antlers with him on his bike trip from the cape to
Trondheim. He pushes the bike up every hill but is very content with his
way of travelling. I guess he once was an officer in the british army.
I get up early next morning, buy something to eat
and have breakfast. Today I don't go very far. At the little village of
I quit the main road and turn straight north for Øksfjord.
I have decided to shorten the way by going by ship. I spend the evening
walking around the village as the MS Nordnorge will arrive at midnight.