From Lyngsei­det to Øks­fjord

Get­ting nea­rer to the tar­get

Lyngseidet Ferry Da­ve and me camp near Lyngsei­det whe­re we want to ta­ke a fer­ry to shor­ten the di­stan­ce. We part and I re­ach one of the first fer­ries. The cros­sing costs 13 Kro­nen and does not last long. It is a day of best wea­ther. For ma­ny a ki­lo­me­ter I fol­low the coast li­ne. harvest at the polar sea In sum­mer­ti­me and on a day li­ke that it is a mar­vel­lous part of our blue pla­net. The Gulf Stream ga­ve birth to a re­gi­on un­chal­len­ged in co­lors. The whi­te of the gla­ciers, grey of the moun­tains, green of the mea­dows and blue of the skies ma­kes it a pa­ra­dies.

the destiny of cod is drying in the sun All along the way there are trest­les to dry the cod. Nets shel­ter the most va­lua­ble food from sea­gulls and other birds. And I ta­ke ma­ny pho­to­gra­phs to do­cu­ment this love­ly spot. But the co­lors do not tell the sto­ry of the re­al li­fe up he­re. They co­ver the fact that there is but dusk and dawn up he­re in win­ter­ti­me. And even the cy­clist does a good job be­cau­se of the steep hills that have to be cros­sed. To have a look down the fjords at laplanders selling antlers the Kvæ­nangs­fjel­let means 400m straight uphill. It is mid­night and I have lost the fee­ling for ti­me. Clouds at noon on a ty­pi­cal ger­man win­ter's day will lea­ve less light than now.

I wash my­self in the toi­lets of the Gil­de­tun-Motel, si­tua­ted at this most in­te­res­ting spot. I don't spend the night up he­re but drive fur­ther on til I get ti­red. the next mor­ning I hap­pen to meet the tents of la­p­lan­der, try­ing to sell the rest of pro­ba­b­ly but­che­red rein­de­ers. And I co­me across an eng­lis­h­man at an age of Øksfjord about 70, who car­ries ant­lers with him on his bike trip from the ca­pe to Trond­heim. He pu­shes the bike up eve­ry hill but is ve­ry con­tent with his way of tra­vel­ling. I guess he on­ce was an of­fi­cer in the bri­tish ar­my.

MS Nordnorge, Hurtigruten, at midnight I get up ear­ly next mor­ning, buy so­me­thing to eat and have break­fast. To­day I don't go ve­ry far. At the litt­le vil­la­ge of Langfjord I quit the main road and turn straight north for Øks­fjord. I have de­ci­ded to shor­ten the way by going by ship. I spend the eve­ning wal­king around the vil­la­ge as the MS Nordnor­ge will ar­rive at mid­night.