The He­art of Swe­den

A jour­ney through end­less fo­rests

mind the moose! «Mind the moo­se

There are hard­ly any fo­tos from the swe­dish lands­ca­pe among this col­lec­ti­on. If you stick to the big­ger roads for fe­ar of punc­tu­res or bro­ken spo­kes, you have a ve­ry mo­no­to­nous sce­ne­ry: co­ni­fers, ditch, bor­der, tar­mac road, bor­der, ditch and again co­ni­fers. Ti­me by ti­me a la­ke or a vil­la­ge in­ter­rupts this end­less­ness.

road in the south of sweden What I do ap­pre­cia­te du­ring the­se days is the be­au­ti­ful wea­ther. If you can't get out of dump clo­thes you are at a loss. But even with­out tho­se glo­rious pho­to­gra­phs you may find in Swe­den what you might ex­pect from Fin­land: A lot of space for in­di­vi­du­al ho­li­days, free­dom of roam­ing and over­night cam­ping and most be­au­ti­ful la­kes all long the way from Gö­te­borg to the nor­we­gi­an bor­der near Mo I Ra­na.

Putting up the tent On the other hand si­de you are ne­ver lo­ne­ly. There are so ma­ny dif­fe­rent peo­ple going north by car or mo­tor­ho­me. And some of the eve­nings go by at an open camp fire, tel­ling ta­les about the ex­pe­ri­ences so far. And to tho­se who think of cy­cling as a ride to the next tea room a tra­vel­ler and his well packed bike is so­meo­ne ex­tra-ter­re­stri­al.

Stove at a lake I my­self do a lot of cof­fee bre­we­ry as drin­king any­thing al­co­ho­lic is as ex­pen­si­ve as gold. I do mind the sur­roun­dings - I al­ways build my own stove from sto­nes to pro­tect the fo­rests near by. Any­how, this ye­ar there are al­ways some sho­wers, so the dan­ger of fire is mo­de­ra­te. On hot and sun­ny days I use Eß­bit to fire the stove. And I don't go to bed with­out care­ful­ly ex­tin­guis­hing the read-heat with suf­fi­cient wa­ter.

Church near Sveg Bet­ween Sun­ne and Jo­han­nis­holm I have to climb steep hills up­to 530m abo­ve sea le­vel. May­be that it is be­cau­se of rol­ling down­hill af­ter­wards ma­kes good space I co­ver a di­stan­ce of 100 mi­les, a ma­gic di­stan­ce for cy­cling tou­rists. In the area of Sveg the road sur­rounds the lo­cal moun­tains and this means about 20 mi­les mo­re than ne­ces­sa­ry.

Downtown Östersund My tar­get for the next days is Ös­ter­sund, whe­re I spend an ex­tra day at the youth hos­tel. Af­ter 14 days I ta­ke a day off, wri­ting home some post­cards. I mend some smal­ler tech­ni­cal de­fects and meet so­meo­ne who tries to re­ach the ca­pe re­pea­ted­ly, al­ways thrown back by in­a­de­qua­te ma­te­ri­al. And again his bike stopps him. The bike's alu­mi­ni­um frame has an in­te­gra­ted rear car­ri­er that can­not be re­pla­ced ea­si­ly if it falls apart.