From Bonn to Gö­te­borg

A sun­ny week on my way north

Bonn, Sebastianstraße, 4th July, 1984 Alt­hough I know from the be­gin­ning that it is al­rea­dy too la­te in the ye­ar to see the mid­night sun, I start full of en­thu­si­asm. In the mor­ning I buy a new rear wheel for the bike, then I check the pre­a­su­re for the last ti­me - and lea­ve Bonn at about 2 p.m.

This first af­ter­noon I cy­cle to Wup­per­tal to meet my pa­rents. The next mor­ning I have to face steep hil­ly roads on my way to Müns­ter. But I don't want to bo­re you by tel­ling the way through Ger­ma­ny. I sleep in youth hos­tels in Die­p­holz, Bre­mer­vör­de and vi­sit a girl fri­end in Ham­burg-Ris­sen, whe­re I start the next mor­ning for Kiel.

Göteborg harbour The first six days are done, 100 km a day ave­ra­ge. A hook of my Ka­ri­mo­re pack is al­rea­dy bro­ken, so I see for it to be re­pla­ced at a bike shop. In the eve­ning I get on board of the Vik­to­ria of the Ste­na Li­ne. I don't sleep much this night as ma­ny other nights du­ring this trip. I don't even ta­ke break­fast on board to sa­ve some mo­ney. But I buy 400 g pi­pe to­b­ac­co that will last to the midd­le of Fin­land. There is rain on the air and dark clouds when en­te­ring Gö­te­borg har­bour.

The way to­wards Troll­hät­tan is bad­ly sign­pos­ted, so I make some ex­tra ki­lo­me­ters try­ing to get out of the ci­ty. I make about 130 km to­day and camp in the woods. There are too ma­ny loud ger­man and bri­tish tou­rists on the of­fi­ci­al si­tes.

a steak of yellow boletus Na­ture is plen­ti­ful and ram­pant over he­re. If you had the ti­me to col­lect all the fruits you could pro­ba­b­ly li­ve on that. How­ever, I suc­ceed in col­lec­ting some de­fi­ni­te­ly ea­ta­ble mush­rooms. So I have a kind of steak of yel­low bo­le­tus.

Though  the swe­dish peo­ple are fri­end­ly if as­ked for help, they are rat­her re­ser­ved - and so is the coun­try. I feel the vas­ten­ess of the coun­try si­de and the emp­ti­ness of the big roads whi­le cy­cling north Lanthandel - shop and filling station through hil­ly parts of end­less woods. Un­spec­ta­cu­lar may be the cor­rect de­s­crip­ti­on as I have no fo­to to pre­sent. The speed li­mit of 50 mi­les an hour is re­spec­ted by near­ly eve­r­yo­ne. This ma­kes cy­cling ve­ry agree­a­ble in the midd­le of Swe­den. Some en­ter­tai­ne­ment along the road: An ICA landt­han­del, com­bi­ned with a fil­ling sta­tion. Cof­fee is sold by the cup you get on­ce whi­le re­fil­ling is not cas­hed. I make use of that on rai­ny days.